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Cre8tive Resources Shop

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TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's Love a resource? Review it and get another resource of equal value FREE. Just review and email me on thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com to claim. Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.




TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's Love a resource? Review it and get another resource of equal value FREE. Just review and email me on thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com to claim. Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.
TES Authors: Bronze Tes Author Success

TES Authors: Bronze Tes Author Success

Bronze TES Authors: How to Become a Successful Bronze TES Author. This resource is part of a bigger resource about how to set up and eventually become a Gold author in around 6 months!! BUS/C8F/TL/02 This particular resource will look at the following: What makes a successful TES Author? Reviewing & evaluating your TES Shop Facebook support Group Details for Bronze Authors (The Facebook Group run by successful Gold Authors that some other Gold Authors don’t want you to know about… :) We also want to support you in setting up a great website just like our one here CRE8TIVE RESOURCES Let us all support each other in achieving our goals! Here are some of our other Cre8tive Resources you might like: Citizenship GCSE 9-1 AQA Complete Assessment /Exam and Analysis Package Citizenship GCSE 9-1 EDEXCEL Complete Assessment /Exam and Analysis Package Citizenship GCSE 9-1 OCR Complete Assessment /Exam and Analysis Package AQA GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision topic Cards EDEXCEL GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision topic Cards OCR GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision topic Cards Separation of Powers Student Work Different Voting systems used in the UK x 2 Lessons
GCSE Revision 9-1 Cubes

GCSE Revision 9-1 Cubes

GCSE Revision Rubik’s Cubes for any Subject Suitable for KS4 and KS3 8 PAGE mini pack of a classroom-ready revision activities that will educate and engage students. This mini booklet has been created by a dedicated team of teachers. This 8 Booklet Contains: Example of completed Politics 3x3 Revision cube Blank template 3x3 revision cube Example of completed Politics 2x2 Revision cube Blank template 2x2 revision cube Example of completed create a 3D Politics 3x3 cube Blank template for a 3D 3x3 Cube Example of completed Create a 3D Politics 2x2 cube Blank template for a 3D 2x2 Cube This resource will engage, educate and motivate your students for National Parliament Week – fantastic for quick and easy planning! Here are some of our other popular political resources: British Values Quiz National Parliament Week Votes for Women 100 Years GCSE CItizenship UNIT Types of Governments Types of Democracy GCSE Citizenship Revision Quiz British Identity Depth study


Mindfulness Thinking Cards Cards/ Slips to introduce students to what it means to be mindful. Product Code: CIT/C8/TL/22 What specific expectations are addressed? Students will really enjoy reflecting on their learning with these 28 different Mindful thinking cards/tickets! It also allows students to take time out from their learning to do a mindful activity. These work for any class and any subject and they are so simple to use as a brain break for students! What is included in this product? 16 PAGE pack of classroom-ready activities that will educate and engage students. - Just Print and Go! Description of Product x 28 Mindful Though Tasks Colour version (10 per page) Our Philosophy We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved. Find “Cre8tive Resources” on Social Media: Follow us on social media (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) to be the first to know about new product releases, giveaways and contests. Terms of Use This product bundle is allowed to be used in the purchaser’s school only. If you wish to share this resource with another colleague, or parent, please purchase an additional license at a discounted price. This product is not to be posted online, in whole or in part, without prior consent. Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email. Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!! Explore all our resources on TES
All about me Nature vs Nurture

All about me Nature vs Nurture

What is identity? Nature versus Nurture debate. 20+ Slide PPT suitable for a Sociology lesson or a PSHE/ Citizenship lesson on identity and where it comes from. Product Code: CIT/C8/LS/13 Learning objectives for this resource: Secure: To understand what makes up our identity Extended: To explore how our identity is formed and look at the’nature versus nurture’ debate Advanced: To evaluate what influences our identity the most This resource contains: 1 x PowerPoint for between 60 - 120 mins Handout printable work sheet on creating identity Stamps This lesson material is designed to be used for between one and two teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic. Product Code: CIT/C8/LS/13 You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources. British Values Quiz AQA - Bringing About Political change - Teaching & Revision Jumbo Pack AQA - UK’s role in International Organisations - Teaching & Revision Jumbo Pack How NGO’s Respond to Humanitarian Crises around the world EDEXCEL - Complete Theme C - Teaching & Revision SUPER Jumbo Pack [EDEXCEL - Complete Theme A - Teaching & Revision SUPER Jumbo Pack] Discrimination and the Law Work Booklet OCR - Section 3 The UK and the Wider World - Teaching & Revision SUPER Jumbo Pack Campaigning Student Resources Why not pick up something educational and fun for the End of Term … End of Term Quiz The Big News Quiz The Big summer Quiz Citizenship Christmas Quiz PSHE Christmas Quiz
Wellbeing and Mindfulness Digital

Wellbeing and Mindfulness Digital

5 Resources
Three different Wellbeing Bingo sets. 1.Positive Sayings Set 2.Positivity Set 3.Uplifting we can do this Set Mindfulness Reflection Tickets These are great fun to use for a staff meeting / pick me up or with students in a PSHE lesson. This set comes with 40 different inspirational quotes and sayings to bring a smile, encouragement, a sense or purpose, drive and inspiration to adults and or students. CONTENTS 3 x Bingo Call Sheet of between 38 - 45 words and a set of unique Bingo cards that come in three sizes. Every Bingo card is different. *Just added for online lessons and remote learning 3 x 30 x DIGITAL PDF BINGO SHEETS A4 - Students can fill them in online (No printing required) DIGITAL PREPARATION Either send students their own Bingo sheet each or send the entire set and tell students which page/ bingo sheet they use. Eg Tom you are 1, Brett you are 2, Aisha you are 3 3 x 50 x A4 Different Bingo Cards (Prints 1 bingo card per page) 3 x 50 x A5 Different Bingo Cards (Prints 2 bingo cards per page) 3 x 50 x A6 Different Bingo Cards (Prints 4 bingo cards per page) PREPARATION Print out two copies of the bingo call sheet and as many bingo cards as people playing (pick one of the three sizes) How to play Cut up the sayings on the bingo call sheet and mix them up in a bowl Nominate someone to be bingo caller and they pick out one saying at a time from the bowl and call it out. The bingo caller crosses it off on their call sheet and players cross it off on their bingo sheet First person to get a line shouts “bingo” First person to get a full sheet shouts “Bingo and out” Every Bingo sheet comes with a ’Free Health & Wellbeing Space’ Bingo caller must check they have completed it correctly
Summer School  End of Term

Summer School End of Term

August Summer School Team Building Bundle FUN\C8B\08 This Bundle contains 5 of our most popular August themed special days, PSHE, RSE, British Values & Citizenship quiz resources: Wimbledon Activity Pack Transition Activity Pack Geography Quiz & Student Answer Sheets Animated Movies Quiz & Student Answer Sheets Wimbledon Quiz & Student Answer Sheets Each Quiz Resource contains around 10 different rounds and 55+ Questions.(rounds range from True or False, Themed General Knowledge, Observation and memory Rounds, Fun Rounds, Multiple choice, Exploring Numbers, statistics, anagrams and a Design Challenge and much more… This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time (Tutor, PSHE, Citizenship, RSE, British Values) form time, extra curricular clubs, part of a drop down day or as a educational treat for your class. FUN\C8B\08 Great way to engage students, promote healthy competition and discussion on sensitive and topical issues. Each Quiz could last up to 1 hour easily or could be split over several form tutor sessions with a variety of different tasks/Rounds to chose from - The opportunities for implementation are various. If an Activity Pack is included - this contains a further 2-4 Hours worth of materials A variety of different rounds and different challenges within this bundle for all types of learners to access (something for all abilities within this bundle) You may also like some of our popular cre8tive resources… Brexit Explained Big Brexit Quiz October Tutor Time Package November Tutor time Package December Tutor Time Package
Autumn Term Tutor Time Activities

Autumn Term Tutor Time Activities

7 Resources
Back to School Tutor Time - Autumn Term - Form Time Resources - 50-80 Hours worth of materials. Contains many highly recommended and 5 star reviewed resources!! This Autumn Term Whole School Tutor Time / PSHE / Citizenship Package contains engaging sessions to deliver to students. FUN\C8B\13 What is included? 27 Different Resource Packages 54+ Resource Files (Quizzes, Answer Sheets, Activity Packs) 40 - 80 Hours worth of teaching materials (Easily 2+ Hours worth of material a week to choose from) What is included in general? A range of materials from the following: Special Days , Themed Topics , Literacy Activities , Numeracy Activities , Current Affairs , PSHE , Citizenship, Prevent, RSE, Enterprise activities and Quizzes all covered. Great for whole School SMSC and PDBW. Form time competitions - developing Enterprise and employability skills N.B Each resource takes 3-4 Hours to put together. Specific Contents of Bundle: FUN\C8B\13 SEPTEMBER 1.Target Planning and Team building Back to School Activity Pack 2.Back to School Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (Start of September) 3.Big PSHE & Student Answer Sheets 4.Contraception and SRE Quiz & Student Answer Sheets OCTOBER 1.Halloween Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (31st October) 2.Big History & British Values Quiz & Student Answer Sheets 3.Black History Month Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (October in the UK) 4.Autumn Quiz & Student Answer Sheets NOVEMBER 1.Remembrance Day Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (11th November) 2.UK Parliament Week Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (Mid November). 3.Anti Bullying Week Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (11th - 15th November) 4.St Andrew’s Day Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (30th November ) 5.St Andrew’s Day Activity Pack (30th November) 6.Freebie - Making Peace Doves DECEMBER 1.World Aids Day Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (1st December) 2. International Human Rights Day (10th December) 3.The News Quiz & Student Answer Sheets 4.Ultimate Christmas Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (25th December) 5.Tutor time Christmas Quiz & student Answer Sheets(Bonus Extra Resource) 6.Christmas Activity Pack 7.Making science themed Christmas decorations EXTRA – 3 Popular Resources not included in the Monthly Bundles 1.National Parliament Week Y7 – Y11 Bundle of Resources 2. What is Identity? Lesson 3. What is Citizenship? and what does it mean to be a good citizen? lesson Individual Quizzes are already being used by several hundreds of schools up and down the country. Made by an Experienced team of Citizenship, PSHE and History specialists!